Rift Apart main characters

Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart – Compare Fidelity vs. Performance RT Screenshots

Yesterday, we compared Fidelity Mode and Performance Mode Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart screenshots and observed how Fidelity Mode’s finery improved the game’s already technically impressive scenes. However, our own opinion was that Performance Mode’s 60fps would be too hard to pass up. Even with RT adding its depth and immersion to proceedings. As a compromise between the two, Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart has a third mode, Performance RT.

Fidelity Mode shots are on the left throughout this piece while Performance RT images are on the right.

Ratchet and Clank Fidelity Ray Tracing examplesRift Apart Performance RT
A little softness is visible in the middle distance in Performance RT Mode (right)
Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart Performance RT vs Fidelity modeRatchet and Clank Rift Apart Performance RT mode specs
We can see more complex shadows in the shrubs and higher resolution ray traced reflections on the puddle in Fidelity Mode (left)

The Trade-Off

Performance RT keeps elements of ray traced lighting and shading, albeit often with less fidelity, but at the cost of resolution. Performance RT also features the same lower scene density as Performance Mode as well as its reduced shadows. As seen above, ray traced elements are simplified in Performance RT Mode.

Ratchet and Clank Fidelity modePerformance RT Ratchet PS5 Insomniac
Greater depth in the foreground ground textures in Fidelity Mode (left)
Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart Performance RT vs Fidelity mode scene density ray tracingRift Performance RT vs Fidelity mode
Fidelity Mode (left) gives us a little extra depth with fine shadows as well as better detail and shadowing on the leaves to the right of frame

Your Mileage Will Definitely Vary

Ratchet and Clank Fidelity Mode Ray TracingRift Apart Performance RT 1080
Rift Apart Fidelity ModeRatchet and Clank Performance RT ray-traced

Depending on your eyes, your television and the distance between them, your experience will vary according to certain factors of the different modes. Fidelity Mode’s 30 frames per second will be plain offensive to some next to the smoothness of the two 60fps modes.

Rift Apart Fidelity graphics modePerformance RT PS5 PlayStation console ray tracing
Rift Apart RT
Denser foliage to the left of frame, superior ground texturing in Fidelity Mode (left)

Sharper-eyed folk with massive tellies will likely notice Performance RT Mode’s reduced resolution and altered LoD and it will be up to personal preference from there.

As we noted in our Fidelity vs. Performance comparision piece, ray traced reflections are used mostly as a background effect in Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart. While they add some immersion on their own, they contribute more as part of a whole scene. Instead of blowing their frame-by-frame rendering budget on reflections and then ramming them down a player’s throat, Insomniac spread the RT love around.

Ray Tracing Fidelity Mode
The whole scene seems to have an extra light source acting on it in Fidelity Mode (left); the monitor to the left of frame stands out
graphics modes PS5 ray tracingPerformance mode with ray tracing insomniac games

Similarly, foliage, Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart‘s crowd and shrub density won’t wow you on their own. However, they do add much to scenes in a subtle, rounded way throughout the game while playing in Fidelity Mode.

Fidelity Mode PS5 R&CPerformance RT mode ratchet
Ray Tracing examples PS5RT samples console PlayStation
There are a few occasions when Performance RT mode (right) is missing some ray-traced elements

Thanks for reading our second Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart comparison piece. If you haven’t already done so, we hope you will consider reading our previous article Fidelity vs. Performance Mode Screenshots. Or take a look at other articles in our comparison series. Which mode is for you? Are you the big-tellied, hawk-eyed gamer who will notice Performance RT Mode’s dynamic scaling and compromised resolution? Let us know in the comments below.

Vinny Fanneran
Harassed Adam Kelly into founding this site. Wrote about tech and games for the Irish Sun for many years, now dayjobbing with Reach Ireland at Galway Beo. Also spent some time as a freelance technology industry copywriter. Former editorial lead for Independent News & Media's PlayersXpo, former gaming editor of EliteGamer.
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