ssasin's Creed Mirage Basim cutting his finger off and jumping from a building.

Assassin’s Creed Mirage review – Navigating the Shadows

For those who miss the Animus and jam-packed cities with plenty of exploration routes, Assassin’s Creed Mirage will be a return to form for many. It invites players to step into the shoes of a young Basim as he embarks on a quest to master the ancient art of the Hidden Ones and confront the enigmatic Order of the Ancients.

Ubisoft takes a daring step back to the franchise’s roots, placing a renewed focus on core elements: stealth, acrobatic assassinations, and parkour within the bustling cityscape of Baghdad.

Basim in the mountains outside of Baghdad.

This title departs from the expansive open worlds of games like Assassin’s Creed Valhalla and Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. Instead, Mirage offers a more compact, nostalgia-infused experience reminiscent of the early adventures of Altaïr and Ezio. It’s a move that has piqued the interest of many devoted fans.

Navigating the Intricacies of Assassin’s Creed Mirage

As players delve into this immersive world, they’ll discover much to uncover and collect. To help make the most of the journey through Assassin’s Creed Mirage, a comprehensive guide with tips, tricks, and insights has been compiled to enhance the gaming experience.

Compared to its RPG-like predecessors, Assassin’s Creed Mirage offers a more concise adventure. Most players should be able to complete the main story in around 20 hours. However, exploration and side activities can extend the playtime.

Mastering the Art of Stealth and Assassination

Assassin’s Creed Mirage reintroduces classic mechanics while infusing them with fresh vitality. With a rich selection of outfits, skills, and collectables, players will have the tools needed to perfect their assassin’s craft. Uncover the best skills, don the finest costumes, and collect mysterious shards to unlock unique armour and weaponry.

The city of Baghdad comes alive in Mirage, offering a vibrant backdrop for adventures. Players can dive into the narrative, traverse districts, and undertake investigations that span the city’s breadth.

Untangling An Intriguing Storyline

With a diverse range of missions and investigations, Assassin’s Creed Mirage weaves a captivating tale across Baghdad. Unearth crucial information, engage in eavesdropping and solve enigmatic puzzles as the journey progresses through this thrilling narrative.

Basim beginning his initiation as a true Assassin.

Prepare for a thought-provoking conclusion that leaves room for interpretation and speculation. A detailed guide can help illuminate the intricacies of the Assassin’s Creed Mirage ending. Assassin’s Creed Mirage brings a blend of nostalgia and innovation to the long-running franchise. While it excels in certain aspects, notable shortcomings require attention.

The Positives

For those longing for the classic Assassin’s Creed experience, Mirage is a welcome return to form. It embraces stealth gameplay, emphasizing silent eliminations and avoiding detection. This shift will please fans who found recent entries need more action-oriented.

Basim gettign ready to cut off a finger to complete his initiation into the Assassins.

Basim, a character known from Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, takes centre stage in Mirage. Exploring his earlier years as a Hidden One adds depth to the narrative, offering fans a compelling storyline.

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Mirage’s rendition of Baghdad is a visual marvel. The city feels alive, with distinct districts to explore, hidden secrets to uncover, and contracts that breathe life into the world. It’s a testament to the game’s meticulous design.

One notable vivacious is the game’s efficiency. Players can complete the main content in roughly 20 hours with a smaller world size, ensuring a dense and engaging experience without excessive filler. Treasure hunting is crucial, rewarding players with gear and upgrades that enhance their effectiveness. This progression system adds depth to the gameplay.

The Negatives

Despite its strengths, Mirage suffers from sluggish character movement. Navigating the world can sometimes feel frustratingly slow, impacting the game’s overall pacing.

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While Mirage excels in stealth gameplay, the NPC AI and detection systems leave room for improvement. NPCs may not always react realistically to players’ actions, leading to immersion-breaking moments.

Assassin's Creed Mirage skill tree menu.

Some missions introduce frustrating elements, such as unclear objectives or the need for extensive backtracking. These issues can disrupt the otherwise engaging experience.

While the reintroduced notoriety system adds depth, its complexity may overwhelm some players. Managing reputations can feel cumbersome, and the impact on gameplay may only sometimes be clear.

The Bottom Line

In conclusion, Assassin’s Creed Mirage offers a balanced mix of positives and negatives. It successfully returns to the franchise’s stealth roots, delivering an engaging narrative and immersive world. However, issues like sluggish movement and AI limitations warrant consideration.

Fans of classic Assassin’s Creed gameplay will find much to enjoy, but there’s room for refinement in certain areas. Players can embark on this journey with Basim in Assassin’s Creed Mirage. This game offers a nod to the franchise’s heritage and a fresh perspective on stealth and assassination. Dive into the heart of 9th Century Baghdad and carve your path as a Hidden One.

Christian Wait
With years of experience in tech and gaming journalism, Christian looks after content strategy and tech. Some call him "The Postman" because he delivers.
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