The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is a radical rework of the world that made its predecessor so special and delivers one of the series' grandest tales

On February 21st, The Legend of Zelda franchise will be 35 years old. It would be insane for Nintendo not to release Breath of the Wild 2 to coincide with Links Birthday, but what changes are coming to the new open-world formula of Zelda titles?

2023 was a mixed bag for the industry - mass layoffs and huge failures on one hand, plenty of Game of the Year candidates on the other

It may have underwhelmed at retail, but it still has a warm cube-shaped place in our hearts - here's the history of Nintendo GameCube

Remembering the rare video game sequels that are genuinely worse than the first games in their respective franchises

Rick Wilder explores the history of the humble game save from the birth of video games to the present - when your save state is often as important as the game data itself

The Breath of the Wild 2 trailer is only 1:39 seconds long but is a masterclass in direction. Patrick Hearn pored over each frame to uncover its secrets.

Like children with new toys, developers can excitedly overdo it with visual effects until good sense prevails - here are five examples of exactly that from video games history.

TechStomper discusses the terms on which a gamer might choose the greatest generation of consoles to have existed so far.

Sony took Nintendo's promising design and perfected it - twice. Once with the original digital pad and again with DualShock.

Georgina Howlett covers ten must-have features that all action-adventure games should have in order to keep players happy and entertained.

OnBuy has revealed the ten levels in video games that gamers cheat at most - here are the testing teasers that sent you humbly to Google.

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