Despite 2021 beginning with the same energy as 2020, there is still much to look forward to, especially in the world of video games. With such a stellar lineup landing this year, we felt it was only right to share what which games we are looking forward to most. In no particular order, here are ten games we can all look forward to.
Shin Megami Tensei V
Release Date: 2021
The last time the Shin Megami Tensei series got a numbered entry was eight whole years ago and while the Persona franchise has been great as in the interim, many fans have been clamouring for another true entry in the franchise. At current we don’t know much about the story, though Producer Kazuyuki Yamai has said in an interview in Famitsu that one of the goals of Shin Megami Tensei V is to get people to take another look at the “characteristics of the times”, such as frustration about unemployment, uneasiness about life in retirement, terrorism and various other issues. Set in modern-day Tokyo, the game will also bring several classic elements, such as demon fusions, back into the mix along with new, currently unknown elements. SMT has always focused on the world’s issues and had them as central parts to its story and as someone who not only loves JRPGs, but also loves deep storytelling, this will be a must-have for me.
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Remake
Release Date: March 18th 2021

Most people think time is like a river that flows swift and sure in one direction, but I have seen the face of time and I can tell you…that I need this remake. I grew up playing the Sands of Time trilogy and loving every second of it. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time was a beautiful journey, in both story and gameplay. Thought-provoking puzzles, rewarding combat and a compelling story all made me fall in love with this game immediately and set my standard for games for years to come. So, imagine how the child in me felt when the remake got announced at Ubisoft Forward 2020, showing The Prince, who is once again voiced by Yuri Lowenthal, running and rewinding his way through the kingdom of Azad. Once again armed with the Dagger of Time, The Prince must make his way through the sand-corrupted kingdom to find the Hourglass and put a stop to the nightmare plague that spreads through its halls.
The Lord of the Rings: Gollum
Release Date: 2021

A game not many of us expected, The Lord of the Rings: Gollum takes place prior to any of the titular character’s appearances in the book. According to an Edge preview, the game will focus on stealth, with platforming and subterfuge taking the drivers seat in this entry. Not only that, but there will also be focus on the internal battle of Gollum and Smeagol, something that was portrayed beautifully in the movies. At current, we don’t know much else about the game but, as a big fan of the books and movies, I’m very much intrigued by where this is going.
God of War: Ragnarök
Release Date: 2021

Play it, boy! A phrase I will be using to my children, if I ever have them, to get them to play these games when they grow up. Like many, I was wary when they showed the gameplay of 2018’s God of War and how it would be as different as it was from previous entries, and like many I was pleasantly surprised when I realised just how much I loved the game. Not just the combat, but the exploration, characters and story all had me hooked from beginning to end. Kratos and Atreus’ journey was a joy to watch and enemies were a joy to cut down. We know very little about Ragnarök outside the fact that it is happening and slated for a release this year, but that is more than enough to get me pumped to face off against the gods of Norse mythology once again!
NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139…
Release Date: 23rd April 2021

There will be no skirt-wearing androids to be found here. No, here we have floating books, red-headed twins (not those ones) and a cult classic remastered in beautiful HD. The original NieR was not as well-known as its successor, NieR Automata. However, the success of the latter entry rekindled interest in the original and fans begged for a remaster, which Square Enix eventually did deliver. Following the story of the Japanese exclusive NieR Replicant, you play as a young boy who seeks a cure to the deadly disease known as the Black Scrawl, a disease that is slowly killing his younger sister, Yonah. Travel a world through a world where humanity has been driven to the point of extinction and unravel the mysteries of the Shades and Grimoire Weiss to save Yonah! The original NieR is still one of my favourite experiences and with the improved combat from NieR Automata being added to this already amazing game, it’ll be an adventure worth waiting for!
Ruined King: A League of Legends Story
Release Date: 2021

Ah, League of Legends. A fun, yet stressful game that I am in no way good at. Thankfully, however, I am much better at RPGs. Developed by Airship Syndicate, the company responsible for Darksiders Genesis and, rather importantly, Battle Chasers: Nightwar, Ruined King looks to take after the latter title massively, with the exploration and combat appearing to very much mirror Battle Chasers, not that that’s a bad thing. You’ll explore a variety of dungeons and engage in turn-based combat where proper team composition will be only thing keeping you from a disappointing death screen. As I said, I am in no way a great League player, I’m not even a good one. However, not only is this an RPG in a world that I find interesting, it’s also one with the art of Joe Madureira…so sign me up.
Bravely Default II
Release Date: 26th February 2021

You’ll have noticed that a number of these games are RPGs, so I want to say that I am not sorry and I’m not stopping yet. As the first numbered sequel in the franchise, Bravely Default II looks to stand on its own two feet with its own story and characters and distancing itself from the original, with producer Tomoya Asano saying in an interview that he believed the previous installment, Bravely Second, did not live up to the fans expectations. That’s not to say, however, that aspects of the original won’t be present. Mechanics such as the Brave system make their return and the art of Akihiko Yoshida once again takes centre stage to bring life to the characters. From what I played of the original I was very enthralled, though I did not get a chance to finish it. With this entry however, I won’t be making the same mistake.
Horizon Forbidden West
Release Date: 2021

There’s little to dislike about Horizon Zero Dawn. Hunting and scavenging amongst the ruins of an old world now overrun by machines already sounds great on paper, but the experience was something else entirely. From the designs to the story, Aloy’s journey was a thrilling one. With the sequel, it looks to be more of the same and I cannot wait. Heading into the titular forbidden west, Aloy will hunt and explore across a vast array of environments, from luxuriant valleys to drought-ridden deserts. Aside from the environment, which is set to include a ruined San Francisco and the Yosemite Valley, we know little about what to expect from this sequel. Save, of course, the addition of underwater exploration. This sequel cannot come soon enough and when it does it’s going to blow all expectations away and I, for one, cannot wait.
Darkest Dungeon II
Release Date: 2021

Darkest Dungeon was an ordeal; one of those games I thoroughly enjoyed but also found difficult to go back to. The RNG can be brutal and losing your favourite characters can be devastating and anger-inducing to the point of never wanting to play again. So, it’s only natural that I’m incredibly excited for the sequel. Moving to 3D and appearing to ditch the hamlet from the original, Red Hook has said that they want this game “to be its own experience” and that it will “have its own creative and thematic identity”. The combat system from the original will be returning, though with tune-ups and that, alongside the returning cast of characters, seems to be the only thing mechanically that is going to stay the same. The original is one of my favourite gaming experiences, regardless of the stress and I wait eagerly for chance to curse at everyone and everything in sight as my party gets slaughtered once again.
Hollow Knight: Silksong
Release Date: TBA

At the time of writing, Silksong doesn’t have an official release date. However, as a very passionate fan of the series I am hopeful we’ll see it in the later half of this year, so it’s going on the list. Originally this was intended as DLC for the original Hollow Knight as a Kickstarter goal which was reached, but Team Cherry decided that DLC just wasn’t enough and decided to give Hornet, the main character of Silksong and a major character in Hollow Knight, her own game. Taken from Hallownest, she must adventure through the new land of Pharloom and climb to the Citadel. With a level of manoeuvrability not found in the original, exploring as Hornet promises to be a thrilling experience…when it finally arrives.
And that was our list – which games will you be hoping to keep you sane in 2021? Did any of the listed games stand out as interesting to you? Do you share some of my excitement? Please share your thoughts and feelings below and let’s get talking. Thank you for reading and we hope to see you again soon.