Detective Pikachu Returns brings a more simplistic gameplay style that's clearly aimed at a younger audience - but there is plenty of Pokémon charm for older fans too

Discover the Detective Pikachu Returns Collection Challenge in Pokémon Go. Catch unique hat-wearing Pokémon, solve puzzles, and more

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet: The Teal Mask DLC is filled with the faults its parents had, with some extra added, just for you

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet feature some of the very best the series has to offer underneath a bafflingly rough, obviously unfinished game

With 22 years of nostalgic 30-somethings to please as well as looking after the series' hordes of younger fans, New Pokémon Snap had a lot to live up to.

For everyone starting their New Pokémon Snap! adventure, here's five beginner tips and Photodex information to ensure you 'Snap' Em All'

It’s the Pokémon 25th Anniversary in 2021 and the ‘Catch ‘Em All’ ethic of pocket monsters is still going strong.

Pokémon is certainly not without its flaws. The bigger a franchise gets, the more it relies on its own tricks and bloated sense of ego.

Players can get their hands-on some event Pokémon, thanks to Mystery Gift. Here's a list alongside the code you need to punch in.

Our time in the Crown Tundra has been one filled with genuine adventure. Yes, some of its tasks can feel a tad unnecessary and drawn out, but the feeling of catching a legendary never gets old.

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