Having already revisited the iconic music of Final Fantasy VI and Final Fantasy VII, we find ourselves halfway through our journey through the soundtracks of Square Enix’s long-running Japanese fantasy RPG series. And so, it’s time for a fond look at what makes the music of Final Fantasy VIII such a joy to listen to.
Something that’s become synonymous with the series is just how well Nobuo Uematsu’s score is able to express and support each scene, to not just support the plot, but also evoke the overall feel of the game, driving home just how important each scene is to the overall experience, through the use of carefully, expertly crafted music.
Linked to the Past
Hailing from the golden age of JRPG’s, Final Fantasy VIII is the middle of the three games which I describe as ‘The Big Three’ – Final Fantasy 7, 8 and 9.
While many games have come close to The Big Three, Final Fantasy 7, 8 and 9 still remain three of the greatest JRPGs of all time. The mechanics are solid, the gameplay addictive, and characters remain relatable to millions of you worldwide.
Read More: The Music of Final Fantasy VI – An Introspective Look
Through emotional journeys and ever-developing characters, these titles have produced countless standout moments, which for some of us, will never be forgotten. Even without voice acting, the intended feelings always landed and that sense of ultimate peril never waned. For these reasons alone, Final Fantasy VIII is an incredible game, but it brings both high and low notes to the table.
FF8 and the Place of Music
One of the greatest Final Fantasy titles of all time, Final Fantasy VIII opens with a memorable confrontation between Squall and Seifer as the unforgettable ‘Liberi Fatali’ plays behind it.

Every note seems to support the story unfolding in front of the player. And each ditty seems to lend that sense of support better than the last all the way to the credits.
Read More: How PlayStation Launched JRPGs in the West
Going through the games to hear its tunes, it’s clear that this is something that composer Nobuo Uematsu mastered long ago and could call to his palette seemingly at will.
Indeed, Final Fantasy VIII features pivotal moments where the score alone is able to masterlessly paint a picture of the scene, conveying emotion through music where text could only hope to dream.

As such, this time around I really had my work cut out for me, because with so many tracks deserving a spot in the Top 3, I had to almost mercilessly go through each track, casting aside many I love to reach my overall conclusion.
Final Fantasy 6 was relatively easy to pin down due to fewer memorable tracks, and while FF7 brought harder decisions, it was Final Fantasy VIII which really backed me into a corner, forcing me to make the toughest decisions in this series yet.
The Extreme
After much thought, I decided ‘The Extreme’ was the greatest track of Final Fantasy VIII, and truly deserving of that top spot. ‘The Extreme’ has a slow and mysterious build-up, layering effect after effect until it suddenly drops into one of the fastest paced tracks of the series.
Taking place during the climactic final battle with Ultimecia, this track single-handedly tells you that this is the end – the final moment you’ve been waiting for, and the end of your adventure. It’s the final obstacle and the biggest fight you’ve had so far.
If this doesn’t get you pumped up and rapidly bouncing along to every beat, I really don’t know what will. It’s a truly phenomenal track and one I’ll continue listening to for years to come.
The Legendary Beast
‘The Legendary Beast’ takes second spot and is one of my all-time favourites. It’s a track which still sends a shiver down my spine to this day. ‘The Legendary Beast’ is a truly legendary song and came very close to claiming the top spot. I felt the complexity and near random change of notes within ‘The Extreme’ just gave it that much more nuance.
‘The Legendary Beast’ was destined to be in the Top 3 and holds its place as one of the greatest tracks ever composed in support of a video game, TV series or film. It’s expertly crafted, transitions from slow to fast and back again at all of the right times, and is a track I always find myself coming back to.
I’ll always remember the feeling this track evoked when fighting Griever during the final boss run of the game. It was tense and kept you on your feet, uncertain of whether you’d win or lose, and yet you fought on, determined to see the end of your adventure, in the hopes that everything you’d accomplised and overcome so far actually meant something.
‘The Legendary Beast’ is beloved by many, and in my opinion, remains to be one of the most flawless tracks ever created.
Liberi Fatali
While ‘Liberi Fatali’ is magnificent, it was very close to not making this short list. And yet, I had to include it. ‘Liberi Fatali’ plays in the opening FMV, instantly elating you and setting the scene for what’s to come. It’s fast paced, exciting and unforgettable.
Many non-Square-Enix games in the genre have great soundtracks but have often delivered a mediocre experience at best, yet Final Fantasy VIII‘s amazing score is matched by its masterfully designed gameplay, expert storytelling and thought-provoking characters.
It’s through this symbiosis that Final Fantasy VIII was able to achieve such highs, and even 25 years later, it borders on perfection. It’s a timeless classic and one that I truly believe should be experienced by everyone.
Honourable Mention – Compression of Time
This track, while perhaps not the best or most memorable, is the most beautiful track in the game. I would even go so far as to say that Compression of Time is perhaps the most beautiful track of any Final Fantasy title period.
There’s something haunting and melancholic about Compression of Time. But far from a negative emotional response, it makes me feel grateful for what I have in life – my friends, family, nature and everything around me.
This track is emotive and evocative in a way that few other pieces of music manage. For me, it’s perhaps the only track to ever create such a vivid emotional response. It’s a track that just has me sitting in silence, appreciating it for everything that it is. FF8 is a beautiful game, and this track is the very embodiment of that beauty.
If I had done things differently and gone with my Top 10 instead, Premonition, The Castle, Maybe I’m A Lion, Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec, Succession of Witches and Drifting would have all made it into this list.

However, I feel my Top 3 choices capture the very essence of what makes Final Fantasy VIII such a memorable and unforgettable title, and it remains to be one of the most important titles in RPG history to date.
Be sure to tune in next week as I dive into Final Fantasy IX – one of the greatest Final Fantasy titles of all time, and once again give insight into the score that supported it.
Read More: The Music of Final Fantasy VII – Remembering a Past Classic
Do you agree with this list? Would you have ordered anything differently? Let us know in the comments or hit me up on Twitter/X @CaptainCortez.