Meet The Team

Below you can meet the team and get to know a little about each member on their individual portfolio page. TechStomper is made up of a passionate group of writers & tech nerds. Currently we all hail from Ireland & UK. The team aims to provide an impartial view on all things tech gaming & more!

TechStomper started as a passion project. We want to share our thoughts and experiences of new games, technology, and all things gadget related! And to interact with the wider community of gamers and gadget geeks like ourselves. We love a good chat, so don’t foget to follow the team on socials to keep in touch with your favourite writer.

We contribute in our spare time, the team volunteers their time and effort to create content for our readers. To help us continue to provide you with quality articles, please consider turning off your ad-blocker. Ads are set to a minimum, so they shouldn’t affect your viewing experience considerably. But if they do, Adam(Webmaster) would love to hear about it so he can give you a better reading experience.

Thanks for coming to meet the team, from all of us at TechStomper, have a great day!

Vinny Fanneran
Christian Wait
Chief Strategy Officer / Writer / Contributor
Adam Kelly
Webmaster / SEO Specialist
Stuart Cullen
Writer / Contributor
Nik Gaydon
Writer / Contributor

Past Writers/Contributers

Thomas Telford
Senior News Editor
Callum Munro
Writer / Contributor
Paddy Hearn
Writer / Contributor
Joshua Spence
Writer / Contributor
Will Jordan
Writer / Contributor
Chris Wallace
Writer / Contributor
Richard Wilder
Writer / Contributor
Georgina Howlett
Writer / Contributor
Kieran Harris
Writer / Contributor
Sean Murphy
Writer / Contributor
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