On December 3rd 1984, Dragon Ball first appeared in Weekly Shōnen Jump (unofficial Twitter news account) and has become one of the most successful and well-known media franchises across the world. People who aren’t even interested in anime and manga are able to recognise the series and its equally well-known protagonist, Goku. With over 35 years of content, Dragon Ball continues to grow to this day and shows no signs of slowing down. Today, we’re going to take a look back at Goku’s best moments across the long history of Dragon Ball.
10: The Universal Spirit Bomb

Starting off our list is the ever-divisive Dragon Ball GT. While not the most loved part of the franchise, GT left fans with a number of memorable moments, not least of which is the Universal Spirit Bomb. With all other options exhausted, Goku calls out across the universe and gathers this power to vanquish Omega Shenron, bringing an end to the final Shadow Dragon’s onslaught.
9: Ultra Instinct Perfected

Much like GT, Dragon Ball Super divided the fandom once again with its reception. Some loved the new series, with the Goku Black and Universe Survival arcs being well received in some groups, with others seeing it as a low-effort cash grab. Regardless of your views on this, few could argue the intensity of the Tournament of Power’s final episodes, in which Goku perfected the long-awaited Ultra Instinct. No longer limited to a defensive strategy, Goku took the fight to Jiren with godlike precision that, ultimately, lead to Universe 7’s victory in the tournament.
8: The End of Kid Buu

The battle with Majin Buu was long and gruelling, going through multiple forms and spanning from one corner of the universe to the other. Finally, on The Sacred World of the Kai, was the final blow dealt. With the help of Vegeta and Mr. Satan, Goku was able to gather enough energy into a Spirit Bomb and use it to destroy the pink parasite. With a smile, and a desire to fight again in the future, Goku obliterated Buu (and sent him packing to Dragon Ball GT).
7: Arrival on Namek

The battle on Namek was going sour for our heroes. Frieza was preparing to use the Dragon Balls, the Namekians were on the verge of extinction and Gohan was fighting a losing battle against the Ginyu Force’s Recoome. Bloodied and beaten, it seemed like the end for the young warrior when, suddenly, Goku arrived on Namek to save his allies. Recovered from his battle with Vegeta and having trained himself fiercely, Goku’s arrival soon spells the end of the Ginyu Force and sets the stage for an epic confrontation with Frieza.
6: Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-Ken!

As part of a brotherly spat between each Universe 6 and 7’s God’s of Destruction, a tournament was held to claim the Super Dragon Balls. In this tournament, Goku unveiled his newest form, one that would be familiar to long-time fans of Dragon Ball in the form of the Kaio-ken, the predecessor to Super Saiyan. The final segment of it’s debut episode, Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-Ken was an exhilarating sight and a nice call-back for older fans. Accompanied by the series’ theme song, this scene was an epic showcase of what Dragon Ball does best.
5: Goku’s Last Instant Transmission

Death in Dragon Ball has always been seen as a joke. With the existence of the titular Dragon Balls, it is possible to revive someone who has died of unnatural causes, a common occurrence given the amount of combat in the series. However, Earth’s dragon, Shenron, cannot grant the same wish twice, and Goku had been revived previously. As a result, this death was seen as, and actually meant to be, final for our hero. Sacrificing himself for his son and the earth, Goku took the self-destructing Cell away from Earth, saving everyone from certain death. Before the Majin Buu saga, this was meant to be the final chapter in Dragon Ball Z, ending on Goku passing the torch to Gohan. While that clearly wasn’t the case, this moment still holds up as one of the best and most impactful.
4: Goku Defeats King Piccolo

Before the glory days of Z, Goku was facing off with Demon King Piccolo and his demonic sons. While not as known as his Dragon Ball Z adventures, these journeys brought Goku together with many future allies and made the era of the Super Saiyan possible. The Demon King’s reign came to an end as Goku propelled himself with a one-handed Kamehameha towards Piccolo, using the Penetrate! attack to finish his adversary. As mentioned, this moment isn’t the most known by the fandom but, for those that watched it, it forever lives as one of the most beloved.
3: Super Saiyan 3

The transformation scene to trump all others, Goku’s achievement of Super Saiyan 3 goes down as one of the most epic, and lengthy, scenes in anime history. Despite the memes this absurdly long scene has spawned even years down the line, this dynamic scene has lived on for years in the hearts of fans, with the brief return of the form in Dragon Ball Super being well-received by fans.
2: Goku vs Vegeta: Kamehameha vs Galick Gun

When people talk about beam struggles in anime, this timeless classic will always make the conversation. The battle between Goku and Vegeta came to a head with this epic struggle as Goku used all his remaining power to stop the Saiyan prince from destroying the Earth. It has it all, from the intense lighting to the environment being torn apart by the sheer power of the clash. With a final push, Goku managed to repel his enemy. With, perhaps, the exception of our next scene, this one may go down as the most iconic scene in all of Dragon Ball.
1: Goku Becomes a Super Saiyan

The moment that had long been built to. Frieza had escaped death, returning to end Krillin and Piccolo as payback for the beating he suffered at Goku’s hands. In that moment, that final moment, something snapped within Goku. Rage boiled to the surface and in a golden flash of light and rage, the Super Saiyan of legend was born. Undisputedly, this is the most iconic moment in Dragon Ball. The birth of the most iconic transformation in anime, and the moment that will stick with all Dragon Ball fans throughout the series’ long history.
That was our list What did you think and what wasn’t included? Leave your thoughts and feelings down below. Thank you for reading and hope to see you again soon.