New Pokémon Snap! is finally here and a dream come true for fans of the 1999 Nintendo 64 classic. Unlike the original, New Pokémon Snap! features 215 Pokémon hand-picked from the last eight generations of Pocket Monsters. There’s also a boatload of enhanced/new features that make the second instalment in the spin-off a stronger contender.
Firstly, the full Photodex/Pokédex can be found here, courtesy of Serebii. not only does it confirm every Pokémon found in the lentil region, but it also advises players on their locations. At the time of writing, the page is still in progress. Secondly, for everyone starting their new Pokémon adventure, here’s five beginner tips to ensure you ‘Snap’ Em All’:

Hit The Settings Menu First
It’s not the most exciting thing to do when first bottling up a highly anticipated game, but players are aware of the menu and what variables they control. The main feature is having motion control on Joy-Con, and Pro Controllers enabled; this isn’t every player’s cup of tea.
The Nav Con is a hint feature that allows Professor Mirror to tell players when a Pokémon is doing something exciting or highlights a great opportunity. Other settings have toggles for displaying undiscovered subjects/routes and auto uploading pictures. Depending on a players preferences, the former may involve some hand-holding, with the latter allowing the game to auto-select and upload your best photos.

New Pokémon Snap! allows players to immerse themselves in various Pokémons’ natures and behaviours. That’s if you can catch them in time, of course. The games movement mechanics can seem slow at first, but by hitting both analogue sticks in the desired direction when not zooming in, players can move much quicker to the point of interest. The camera/pointer are adjustable within the settings menu; selecting four on both seems like the sweet spot.

Scan’ Em All!
New Pokémon Snap! features an area scanner, an in-game mechanic that displays points of interest and Pokémon that are close. For example, a mound of food stacked in the middle of an opening may attract a wild Pokémon. The only variable here is being quick enough to catch them in the act.
Although Snap! has various power-ups under the hood, different Pokémon react to additional items. We’ve all seen Pikachu ignoring the players Fluffruit due to its curiosity over a random object in Snap!‘s preview content, I’m sure. But articles like Fluffruit gone Pokémon have showed us how they eat and cook food. In some cases, it shows how they dislike a players chosen food. The games’ focal point, illumia, comes in a handy orb form that can create various light sources and illuminate Pokémon themselves for a unique photo.

Region and Course Unlocks
Starting in Florio Nature Park, players will have access to the day courses firstly. For every multiple of two-level increases, a night and illumia spot unlock. The former is the exact course but at night time, which displays different Pokémon and behaviours, and the latter is a kind of mini-boss level (This is where Meganium comes into play, for example)
We don’t want to spoil too much. The magic of New Pokémon Snap! is players discovering the game’s environments and the surprises found within. Although the game requires playing through the same levels repeatedly, noticing new Pokémon behaviours and course features makes for one of the happiest and relaxing Pokémon experiences in recent memory.
Are there any tips you would like to share? How are you finding the Lentil region so far? Let us know in the comments or on social media.